Beta Pawn Version 1.00 beta - Version 1.09 beta r4


Staff Team
December 27, 2018
Pawn Credits
Updates by Blank101 & JPillz

Patch 1.00 beta r4

** New Features **
-Game updates no longer require the user to empty their cache
-Player score/kills/deaths/kill coins will not reset if a player quits and rejoins a game
-When joining a game the player will be matched up with the player with the lowest kill coins
-Winning team gets a 25 point bonus
-Names longer than 8 characters get cut off and replaced by a ..

** Bug Fixes **
-Per round score reset bug fixed
-When setting the assault game timer to 0 in a custom game the timer went into the negatives

** Exploit Fixes **

Patch 1.00 beta r3

** New Features **
-Forcejoin now works for passworded rooms

** Bug Fixes **
-Account registration no longer locks up

** Exploit Fixes **

Patch 1.00 beta r2

** New Features **
-Spawn invincibility lowered to 3 seconds from 5
-Chat keys have been reassigned to K and L for public chat and team chat respectively

** Bug Fixes **
-Bans now show which moderator banned the user
-Quick play users can now be kicked for flooding
-Account lock out expiry works now

** Exploit Fixes **

Patch 1.00 beta r1

** New Features **

** Bug Fixes **
-The map list reloads when a map is deleted in the map editor to prevent loading non-existant maps
-Players who sign up no longer get the rank of "Pawn Elite"
-Fixed various broken commands including users being unable to register a new account
-The gun names are fixed

** Exploit Fixes **

Patch 1.00 beta

** New Features **

-The map editor will now refresh your map list after a map is saved or deleted
-Added a "Quick Play" feature to allow for instant action with the need for registration
-Restructured the login screen
-Private messages now count towards spam
-Chat room font changed to Verdana
-Game/Forum merged
-The /stats command now displays the players world rank position
-If no name is specified for /stats the user who sent the command is assumed
-Map editor slot counts are now based on score (5 base + 1 per 5000 score)
-Only 1 client is allowed per computer
-Map names no longer need to be unique
-ASCII code characters above 128 are no longer accepted by the chat
-A warning message now appears if the user does not have Flash Player 8
-MVP is now based on score instead of kills
-Respawn invincibility set to 5 seconds
-Respawn invincibility now makes the character look like a ghost
-A player with respawn invincibility cannot shoot or be shot (Bullets will pass through the player)
-Game info boxes have been moved from the top right to the bottom left
-Assault mode timers/artifact life have been changed
-Custom games are no longer shown by default
-Ladder and Custom game filter settings are now saved for each session
-A player infractions system has been added
-A report user command has been added
-The tutorial button in the map editor now links to a map editor tutorial
-Removed /changepass command
-The map list now stores to a local cache
-To get the most up-to-date map list you may press refresh below the map list
-Account access will now be denied for 10 minutes if you provide 5 incorrect passwords
-The game list sorts by creation time putting older games lower in the list
-You can now add the same map as many times as you want to the game list

** Bug Fixes **

-MVPs no longer count in custom games
-Custom games no longer accept letters in numeric fields
-Fixed the "ghost" bug where players would appear alive after being killed
-Fixed a rare kick bug which prevented players from being kicked out of the server
-Fixed a domain name bug
-Kick message pop ups no longer disappear after 2 seconds
-Pressing load/delete in the map editor with no map selected no longer shows undefined

** Exploit Fixes **

-Patched the infinite kill coins exploit
-Patched the shell bypass exploit
-Patched the ability to run pawn outside the browser
-Patched the ability to use html codes inside the chat
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