8/31 8 am -11am , 4 pm - 9 pm
9/1 7:30 am - 12:30 pm
Sky and GranitePlaster just lobbysat last week, I'll check PT less frequently. I recommend PMing me via forums to schedule a match
Looks like another disappointing Saturday. Only GranitePlaster has been on, but he notoriously lobby sits
There's tomorrow
GranitePlaster just lobbysat
Takashi logged in and said monkas, I'm guessing that's a combination of monkeys and niggas
9/1 7:30 am - 12:30 pm
Sky and GranitePlaster just lobbysat last week, I'll check PT less frequently. I recommend PMing me via forums to schedule a match
Looks like another disappointing Saturday. Only GranitePlaster has been on, but he notoriously lobby sits
There's tomorrow
GranitePlaster just lobbysat
Takashi logged in and said monkas, I'm guessing that's a combination of monkeys and niggas