Awards are a fun side quest in PT, but another list of awards could be created. What do you think of my list? (Obviously some are impossible to implement)
Swordsman - achieve 7 kills each with every knife in one match (mauler knife, recon knife, commander knife (24 kills total))
Combat Medic - Get 25 heal counts in one match
Red Eye - Throw 20 flash bangs in one match
Critical Hit - register 8 crit using mauler grenade launcher in one match
Sharpshooter - register 8 crits using lancer gauss rifle in one match
Sniper - achieve 25 kills using lancer gauss rifle in one match
Buttered - achieve 15 kills with the mauler knife in one match
Gunner Noob - achieve 15 kills with the recon UMP in one match
Silent Kill - achieve 10 kills with recon nighthawk pistol in one match
Southpaw - achieve 8 kills with heavy desert eagle in one match
Over The Limit - register 21 kills in a DM match
King Of The Hill - win a FFA KotH match
Marksmanship - give 15 players accuracy in one match (use commander accuracy aura on 15 teammates)
Pawn Game Player - achieve 3 kills each with every gun that is also found in Pawn Game in one match (Guard Mac-10/Mac-10, Recon UMP/UMP 45, Heavy Desert Eagle/Desert Eagle .50, Support Shotgun/Benelli 12 Gauge, Lancer Gauss Rifle/MK-1 Protogun, Assault assault rifle/Colt M4, Commander assault rifle/MK-48, Assault or Support pistol/Kimber .45, Lancer USP/USP Automatic (27 kills total))
Scissors Beats Rock - Kill 7 heavies in one match as recon
Rock Beats Paper - Kill 7 lancers in one match as heavy
Paper Beats Scissors - Kill 7 recons in one match as lancer
Longshot - kill an enemy that is over 125 feet away (spray and pray is 100))
Captain America - receive 2,000 damage into the Guardian's shield without dying
Are You Blind? - achieve 8 kills with claymores in one match
So What Obi-Wan - Get 3 kills while you are on a lower ground without dying
Loyalist - Log 500 hours played on PT
Recon lover - spawn 1000 times as recon (or any other class)
Grave Digger - achieve 45 kills in one match
War Hero - achieve 50 kills in one match
Behemoth - achieve 55 kills in one match
Juggernaut - achieve 60 kills in one match
Killionaire - achieve 65 kills in one match
Mortuary - die 35 times in one match
Suicide Watch - die 40 times in one match
Grim Reaper - die 45 times in one match
1k kill club - acquire 1,000 kills
3k kill club - acquire 3,000 kills
7k kill club - acquire 7,000 kills
10k kill club - acquire 10,000 kills
Warren Buffet - acquire 500,000 points
Bill Gates - acquire 750,000 points
Who Wants To Be A Millionare - acquire 1,000,000 points
Kobe Bryant - acquire 100 assists
Steve Nash - acquire 1,000 assists
Jason Kidd - acquire 2,500 assists
John Stockton - acquire 5,000 assists
John Dillinger - acquire 100 flag captures
Jesse James - acquire 250 flag captures
Simon Templar - acquire 500 flag captures
Robin Hood - acquire 1,000 flag captures
Napoleon - acquire 100 area captures
Attila the Hun - acquire 250 area captures
Alexander the Great - acquire 500 area captures
Genghis Khan - acquire 1,000 area captures
Hippocrates - acquire 100 heal counts
John Flemming - acquire 250 heal counts
Louis Pasteur - acquire 500 heal counts
Jonas Salk - acquire 1000 heal counts
Clan Wars
Comeback - be losing 0-2 in a CTF match to comeback and win 3-2
Stalemate - participate in a CTF match that ends 0-0
Domination - win a T-KotH match 50-0
Full House - participate in an 8v8 clan war
Minute Man - win a clan war in under 2 minutes
Shut Down Defense - win an assault match as blue
Clan Hopper - clan war in 3 different clans in one day
Update Jack of All Trades to also include Commander
Update Guardian King to 20 kills; 25 kills is doable, but from what I remember it's exceptionally difficult
Update Mega Kill to "Get 4 kills in a row with no more than 2 seconds between each kill"
Commander King - achieving 25 kills with commander in a match
Swordsman - achieve 7 kills each with every knife in one match (mauler knife, recon knife, commander knife (24 kills total))
Combat Medic - Get 25 heal counts in one match
Red Eye - Throw 20 flash bangs in one match
Critical Hit - register 8 crit using mauler grenade launcher in one match
Sharpshooter - register 8 crits using lancer gauss rifle in one match
Sniper - achieve 25 kills using lancer gauss rifle in one match
Buttered - achieve 15 kills with the mauler knife in one match
Gunner Noob - achieve 15 kills with the recon UMP in one match
Silent Kill - achieve 10 kills with recon nighthawk pistol in one match
Southpaw - achieve 8 kills with heavy desert eagle in one match
Over The Limit - register 21 kills in a DM match
King Of The Hill - win a FFA KotH match
Marksmanship - give 15 players accuracy in one match (use commander accuracy aura on 15 teammates)
Pawn Game Player - achieve 3 kills each with every gun that is also found in Pawn Game in one match (Guard Mac-10/Mac-10, Recon UMP/UMP 45, Heavy Desert Eagle/Desert Eagle .50, Support Shotgun/Benelli 12 Gauge, Lancer Gauss Rifle/MK-1 Protogun, Assault assault rifle/Colt M4, Commander assault rifle/MK-48, Assault or Support pistol/Kimber .45, Lancer USP/USP Automatic (27 kills total))
Scissors Beats Rock - Kill 7 heavies in one match as recon
Rock Beats Paper - Kill 7 lancers in one match as heavy
Paper Beats Scissors - Kill 7 recons in one match as lancer
Longshot - kill an enemy that is over 125 feet away (spray and pray is 100))
Captain America - receive 2,000 damage into the Guardian's shield without dying
Are You Blind? - achieve 8 kills with claymores in one match
So What Obi-Wan - Get 3 kills while you are on a lower ground without dying
Loyalist - Log 500 hours played on PT
Recon lover - spawn 1000 times as recon (or any other class)
Grave Digger - achieve 45 kills in one match
War Hero - achieve 50 kills in one match
Behemoth - achieve 55 kills in one match
Juggernaut - achieve 60 kills in one match
Killionaire - achieve 65 kills in one match
Mortuary - die 35 times in one match
Suicide Watch - die 40 times in one match
Grim Reaper - die 45 times in one match
1k kill club - acquire 1,000 kills
3k kill club - acquire 3,000 kills
7k kill club - acquire 7,000 kills
10k kill club - acquire 10,000 kills
Warren Buffet - acquire 500,000 points
Bill Gates - acquire 750,000 points
Who Wants To Be A Millionare - acquire 1,000,000 points
Kobe Bryant - acquire 100 assists
Steve Nash - acquire 1,000 assists
Jason Kidd - acquire 2,500 assists
John Stockton - acquire 5,000 assists
John Dillinger - acquire 100 flag captures
Jesse James - acquire 250 flag captures
Simon Templar - acquire 500 flag captures
Robin Hood - acquire 1,000 flag captures
Napoleon - acquire 100 area captures
Attila the Hun - acquire 250 area captures
Alexander the Great - acquire 500 area captures
Genghis Khan - acquire 1,000 area captures
Hippocrates - acquire 100 heal counts
John Flemming - acquire 250 heal counts
Louis Pasteur - acquire 500 heal counts
Jonas Salk - acquire 1000 heal counts
Clan Wars
Comeback - be losing 0-2 in a CTF match to comeback and win 3-2
Stalemate - participate in a CTF match that ends 0-0
Domination - win a T-KotH match 50-0
Full House - participate in an 8v8 clan war
Minute Man - win a clan war in under 2 minutes
Shut Down Defense - win an assault match as blue
Clan Hopper - clan war in 3 different clans in one day
Update Jack of All Trades to also include Commander
Update Guardian King to 20 kills; 25 kills is doable, but from what I remember it's exceptionally difficult
Update Mega Kill to "Get 4 kills in a row with no more than 2 seconds between each kill"
Commander King - achieving 25 kills with commander in a match
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