Black privilege

Most of the people who were affected by Jim Crow are now the grandfathers/grandmothers of today's black men and women. I think it is too far of a reach to say that because your grandfather poor that is the reason you are so poor. Especially, to the magnitude of the difference between the wealth of blacks and whites. I think past oppression is a small contributor. Wealth is a measure of how many transactions you have had over the free market, it works mainly in the present, not the past.
The cultural discrimination from Jim Crow laws still exist in our law enforcement / judicial system today. The only reason I am able to go to college myself, is because my grandparents were able to set my parents up for success. It's easy to take white privilege for granted when you're white. Facts show that African-Americans **as a generality** are much more disadvantaged than whites. That does not mean a black man cannot succeed in America, and that does not mean a white man WILL succeed in America, but it means if there are two identical people (besides race), the white man will have a better go of it.

As for your second point, I don't know a lot about gerrymandering, but it seems illogical that you would draw lines specifically to black areas rather than the areas that would maximize the democratic voters. It is possible that there is only a correlation here.
??? lmfao
Black Privilege really isn't a thing because in most parts of the United States, black people are still treated poorly. Especially by law enforcement and occasionally racist landlords/shop owners.

You can feel how you wanna feel about it, but I'm having some real trouble believing that a group that has been so relentlessly beaten down by America could count for privilege anything.

To compare, consider the Irish, who was once considered a minority and treated like trash in New York. Nowadays, no one gives a flip if you're Irish and it's even considered attractive. Why? Because unlike black communities which are judged by the color of their skin, the Irish immigrants blended in naturally with the rest of American culture without too much incident because they were already white.

There's still a lot of ugliness in the world, man.
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