Forum Updates! Better PWA Support, Chatbox Cleanup, Forum Changes


Staff Team
December 27, 2018
Pawn Credits
Hey everyone!

I updated our forums to the latest version and made some changes to the forum!

Better PWA Support

- Our forum now has better navigation controls if you added it to your home screen on your phone. Arrows pop up allowing you to navigate forwards and backwards with ease.

Chatbox Changes

- The symbol for new chatbox private messages (PMs) has been changed from red and green circles around the new message count to a red exclamation mark. Opening your PMs, you will also find the new messages by the exclamation mark beside the conversation.

- The term "private conversation" has been renamed to Private Message to distinguish it from forum private conversations.

- New forum threads will no longer appear in the chatbox. The chatbox will be for chatting only.

- It's now easier to switch back to the main chat room because the area you need to click is now called "Join Chat".

- The chatbox is a bit smaller now so that it doesn't take up that much room.

Forum Changes

- Made the font size for all text slightly larger.

- Latest posts now holds only three threads to make it more compact

Let me know if you have any feedback and if any of these updates made the forum better on your eyes! :)
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