Mazing Guide by V

February 4, 2019
Pawn Credits
This was one of my favorite parts of Pawn in the old days, enjoy! :D
This is Part 1 of 3 btw.

A Guide To Mazes - Aug 13, 2007

Mazes and How To Do Them

The Jumps

The Normal Jump
The Tight Jump
The V jump
The V jump To Ladder
The Ladder Crouch Jump
The PartyKilla Jump
The PartyKilla Ladder Jump
The Frigz Jump
The Fireman
The Broken Ladder
The Broken Ladder Crouch Jump
The Hii Jump
The Jump Glitch
The Box Spawn
The Ogm
The Toph Fall
The Long Jump
The V2 Jump
The K1ller Ladder
The Ladder To Ladder
The Crouched Jump

The Jumps, Explained In Full

The Normal Jump

This is The basic jump you see in almost every map.

How to do it:
While you are moving over(left/right) jump.

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The Tight Jump

This is the same as the normal jump, but its harder because if you jump to early you will hit you head and fall.

How to do it:
While you are moving over(left/right) jump, but be careful and time your jump so you wont hit your head.
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The V Jump

This Jump was found by V, some people say it is the hardest jump there is.

How to do it:
While standing on the edge of the block, run over(left/right) press the jump and crouch button at the exact same time.

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The V Jump To Ladder

This Jump was also found by V, this version of the V jump has you grab a ladder instead of just landing on a block.

How to do it:
While standing on the edge of the block, run over(left/right) and press jump and crouch at the same time, quickly let go of crouch and press up and hope to god you grabbed the ladder.

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The Ladder Crouch Jump

This Jump was found by Shadow, he found that you can jump from a ladder into a crouched position.

How to do it:
Align your head slightly above the first rung on the ladder, jump press over and crouch at the same time.

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The Party Killa Jump

This Jump was found bye Partykilla, in this jump you use a ladder to throw yourself over two spaces.

How to do it:
Hold over(left/right) and climb to the top of the ladder, then jump. Dont forget to keep holding over(left/right).

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The Party Killa Ladder Jump

This Jump was found bye V, but seeing as how it uses the same principle as the Partykilla jump it was name the Partykilla Ladder Jump or the PartyKilla Version 2 Jump.

How to do it:
This just is basically the same as the Party Killa Jump, hold over(left/right) climb the ladder and jump. Dont forget to keep holding over(left/right). Once in the air press up. You should now be holding over(left/right) and the up button. Causing you to grab the second ladder.

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The Frigz Jump

This Jump was found by TheFrigz, one of the best mazers there was.

How to do it:
This is basically a ladder crouch jump, what you do is align yourself slightly above the first rung on the ladder where you will be jumping. Once you have aquired your spot, press jump, crouch, and over(left/right) at the same time, then quickly hold up so you grab the ladder.

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The Fireman

This Jump was found by V, this is one of the hardest jumps there is.

How to do it:
Start out on the block, crouch, fall, then grab the ladder. If you dont grab the ladder so that you can perform a Ladder Crouch jump, climb to the top and rapidly press left, right, left, right over and over untill you can perform a Ladder Crouch Jump.

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The Broken Ladder

This Jump was found by V, this jump allowed Hii to invent his jump which will be described later on in this guide.

How to do it:
Position yourself so that your head is between the bottom and middle rung of the ladder, jump up and over(left/right) and grab the next broken ladder. Repeat as many times as necessary.

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The Broken Ladder Crouch Jump

This Jump was found by V, this jump is a ladder crouch jump, but harder because its on a broken ladder.

How to do it:
Use the technique mentioned above so that you can grab the broken ladder, being careful not to go to high on the ladder so that you can tap down and not fall. Align your head in the same position as you would with a normal ladder crouch. Then press over(left/right), jump, and crouch at the same time, causing you to slip into the opening.

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The Hii Jump

This Jump was found by Hii, sorry if i misspelled it.

How to do it:
Align your head as you would if it was a broken ladder, jump up and over, then press up, causing you to grab the ladder. Once you grab the ladder either climb it or jump up forcing you onto the top of the block.

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The Jump Glitch

This Jump was found by Shadow, this allows you to slip through the crevice of a crack... literally.

How to do it:
Jump up, either from a ladder or on the ground, and press over(left/right) causing you to jump through two blocks that are touching corners.

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The Box Spawn

Im not really sure who found this glitch, but none the less it is used in many mazes.

How to do it:
Hold over(left/right)and keep it held until you can see your head sticking out. The holding of the over button(left/right) comes before you press the spawn button. So before you spawn hold over(left/right). Then Jump.

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The Ogm Jump

This jump was found be V, and claimed by shadow, this jump can be found in Arena, and and old map which isnt on the server anymore, of which its name i cannot remember.

How to do it:
Stand on the brick's edge tap over(left/right) towards the higher brick, take a running start at the brick and jump. This may take a few tries but you will be successful eventually.

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The Toph Fall

This Jump was found by Toph. Not much to say, except you better grap the ladder...

How to do it:
Stand on the edge of the brick, run over(left/right) the press the opposite direction and hold up, so that you will grab the ladder.

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The Long Jump

This Jump was found by V, nothing to this jump really...

How to do it:
Run from one side of the block to the other then jump.

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The V2 Jump

This Jump was found by V, it involves a screen jump.

How to do it:
Jump from the middle-ish area of the block, while holding over(left/right).

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The K1ller Ladder

This Jump was found by K1ller, another great mazer.

How to do it:
This jump uses a method of which i have not described. Although i will be describing how later i will just say that you must jump out of the crouched position and grab the ladder by pressing up.

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The Ladder To Ladder

This Jump was found by V, this jump can either be done by a partykilla method or can be done like a V jump.

How to do it:
Hold over(left/right) and climb to about the same spot as i have shown in the pic below, then jump while still holding over(left/right) and you should grab the other ladder.

Go From This:

To This:

The Crouch Jump

This Jump was found by V, and is used in alot of mazes.

How to do it:
This is done by jumping right before you fall out of the crouched spot, causing you to spring from the crouched hole, making it able for you to jump over two spaces and down one space.

Go From This:

To This:

Jumps not mentioned

Broken Ladders, Side by Side
And some others which i cant remember at the time



Guide By: V
Whew, this is old. Brings back so many memories

Few things to note for 60 FPS:
- Ladder crouch jump positioning is slightly lower now, unless you pre-hold
- Don't think the Fireman instructions are applicable anymore.
- BL ladder can now be grabbed by jumping straight up in the air. No need to jump left/right
- Ladder to Ladder can just go to very top and hold right/left+up to grab the ladder. No need to jump due to longer fall distance
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