New Website Launched, Privacy Statement, CDN


Staff Team
December 27, 2018
Pawn Credits
Hey everyone, I've got some updates to share with you this month!

The new website is now launched!

That new website I talked about in May is now complete! I've remade the existing PHP website using 11ty, Web Components, and CSS Flexbox. What that means is I was able to continue using a layout system to make the re-usable components of the website such as the navigation bar, and footer by using 11ty and Web Components. This made it really easy to add pages because a single line of code can generate the pre-built website layout. Using CSS Flexbox as well as relative length units means the website can now grow and shrink to different display sizes making it more usable on mobile devices. The website continues to be open source with the source code available on GitLab and anyone can submit merge requests if you'd like to suggest an improvement or addition!

Privacy Statement added!

I've always been a privacy conscious person and want our website to be a good role model for what the internet should be like. I strongly believe that when someone enters a website they:

- Shouldn't be passively exposed to being tracked and sold to advertising networks.

- Reasonably be able to expect the session is only between them and the website they are visiting.

To improve the privacy when visiting, I've recently replaced the Discord widget on the home page with one that doesn't force visitors to load anything from Discord directly.
I also added `<meta name="referrer" content="no-referrer" />` which instructs web browsers not to send `Referrer:` to other websites when you are linked from

We now have a published Privacy Statement that describes what data we store, and who can access it.

Now using Cloudflare!

Our website is now using Cloudflare. Cloudflare is a content delivery network (helps people load websites fast) and much more! That gives us faster page loads and makes it much easier to administrate and secure the website. There are a lot of things Cloudflare provides for free and simplifies such as website hosting, file storage, email sending, and running custom code on their network edge. I've been meaning to start using them for a while and I really regret not doing so sooner, because it's actually really fun developing on Cloudflare.

Thanks to Cloudflare, code updates to our website now deploy automatically, and I was able to organize our website files.

Game Status

The games are currently unavailable due to the website changes, but it looks like we're in for a sweet surprise after I re-tested Ruffle! (thanks Gent! lol)
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