Release Pawn Version 1.00 release - Version 1.10


Staff Team
December 27, 2018
Pawn Credits
Updates by Blank101 & JPillz

Patch 1.10

** New Features **
-Updated the game to be compatible with SandBoxd

** Bug Fixes **

** Exploit Fixes **

Patch 1.09

** New Features **
-Updated the game to be compatible with the new site
-Removed credits
-New flood prevention system

** Bug Fixes **

** Exploit Fixes **

Patch 1.08

** New Features **
-Up to 4 observers can now watch a game with observers turned on
-Christmas! (Some random christmas events may occur)
-Earn credits for kills - higher score kills result in more credit earnings

** Bug Fixes **

** Exploit Fixes **
-Patched the damage hack

Patch 1.07

** New Features **
-All collidable tiles can now be set as destructable
-'P' can now be used to quit the game
-Only user made maps will remove from the selected maps list when switching between Ladder and Custom on the host game menu

** Bug Fixes **
-Fixed a bug that allowed bullets to hit tiles on the right hand side of the screen by shooting the left side
-Fixed a bug that allowed players to shoot through other players and hit the artifact

** Exploit Fixes **
-Various security fixes

Patch 1.06

** New Features **
-Moderators/Administrators no longer get disconnected from 3 minutes of inactivity
-Numpad 0 can now be used as a refill key
-Custom game hosts now have the ability to alter the maximum health of the players

** Bug Fixes **

** Exploit Fixes **
-An exploit which allowed players to bypass hack security has been patched

Patch 1.05

** New Features **
-New tile set (Volcano)
-New background (Volcano)
-New tile set (Junkyard)
-New background (Junkyard)
-New tile set (Crane)
-Connections now close after 3 minutes of inactivity

** Bug Fixes **

** Exploit Fixes **

Patch 1.04

** New Features **
-Improved swear filter protection

** Bug Fixes **

** Exploit Fixes **
-Patched an exploit which allowed players to log in as guest users
-Patched an exploit which allowed players to increase the hp of other players or the artifact

Patch 1.03

** New Features **
-Some minor command updates
-Server software upgrade
-Bad word filter has been updated
-When receiving pms in the map editor a chat window will pop up
-Map editor can now load/save maps to raw text format
-Passworded games will display a (P) in front of the game name

** Bug Fixes **

** Exploit Fixes **
-Patched an exploit which froze certain player's games

Patch 1.02

** New Features **
-Various code optimizations

** Bug Fixes **

** Exploit Fixes **

Patch 1.01

** New Features **
-Score updates occur after logging off rather than when leaving a game now

** Bug Fixes **
-Potentially fixed an issue where the "Only 1 client per computer" error would show up after leaving a quick play match
-Potentially fixed the "User name is already taken" error that occured on login
-Potentially fixed an issue that caused excessive lag for all users

** Exploit Fixes **

Patch 1.00

** New Features **
-CMG logo removed

** Bug Fixes **
-Various minor bug fixes

** Exploit Fixes **
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