Check out some of these gems.
I Got alot more but I'll post a little later the rest. More PT pics to come too.
Wow that was so long ago. Almost 10 years ago. I'm 26 now but I still think of this game from time to time. Btw I was NemisisX on PT back when it was fresh.
I remember your name.
Anybody remember a guy that used to go by puffer? I dont remember his account name. It was like PuffTheMagicDragon or something like that. I wish I could remember my old account name lol.
We found my account but the signature was gone due to tinypic being taken down. So no old signature goodies.ya he was kewl
Yes!!Anybody remember a guy that used to go by puffer? I dont remember his account name. It was like PuffTheMagicDragon or something like that. I wish I could remember my old account name lol.
Wow good times