Closed [PT] 1v1 Invitational

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Staff Team
December 27, 2018
Pawn Credits

This is an invitational tournament. The purpose is to have skilled players competing against each other to see who is the king of 1v1s. I am hoping that everyone will have a fun time competing and we'll likely be streaming or recording (with casting) a chunk of the matches (especially in the playoffs) for the rest of you to watch and enjoy.

The tournament consists of 10 players who have been deemed worthy of competing in this prestigious tournament. There are two parts to this tournament.

1. Round robin (9 matches, each player plays every other player)

Players then get seeded by their win/loss. We will use kill-difference and then total kills to break ties if necessary.

2. Single elimination playoff bracket - Top 2 players get a first round bye
All matches will be a best of one EXCEPT for the final series, which will pit the two finalists in a best of three series (first to 2 wins will be crowned the champion).

-The first player to 20 kills wins. Remember that the finals are best of 3.
-You will not be told a time to play a match. It is the responsibility of each individual player to get in contact with their opponents and schedule a time. If you are not able to contact someone or they are refusing to schedule a time, please let me know as early as possible.
-Send me a screenshot of the final result in order to report your win.
-I highly recommend that everyone record their perspective for evidence in case any disputes pop up. Any issues will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
-No Guard class, all other classes are okay to choose
-Respect your fellow competitors and casters. Let's make this a fun tournament for everyone involved.

1st Place Winner receives either a custom forum user title, custom medal under forum user info, or a custom signature highlighting their achievements (pick one)

2nd Place Winner receives either a custom forum user title, custom medal under user info, or a custom signature highlighting their achievements (pick one)

All participants will likely receive a prize for simply being a part of it (TBA)


Here is the schedule I will be using to keep track of the round robin information. REMEMBER THAT YOU DO NOT NEED TO PLAY THESE MATCHES IN THE ORDER THEY APPEAR!
For example, you can do your round 5 match first if that's what works best. Do it in the order that works best for your schedules!

Maps are currently up! Use the 2 person version when there are no spectators.

[Round Robin Bracket]

1. This is the first tournament that I will have hosted on Pawn Tactics so I hope to see some competitive matches but will also be using the experience to host more tournaments in the future. I hope to have a competitive 2vs2 tournament next on a special map that is focused around teams of two but I might also do something more fun-oriented where people can mess around.

2. There were more than eight people interested in participating so I apologize if you were excluded from this one. I am planning on hosting more of these if people have a fun time so I will prioritize the people that I was unable to fit into this tournament as future tournament participants.

3. Try to let me know when you schedule a match with an opponent so we can try to stream it!

Credit to Zen/sirlucas5 for providing us a great map to play on. We needed to make sure that we could easily spectate and he did a solid job on this and also in terms of making all the classes a viable choice.
Credit also to Dx for making the banner, Crim for helping out with organization and prizes, Aid for helping stream, and to everyone that will help in making the prizes (Will thank them specifically later on).

Finally, thank you to all the participants and everyone that was interested in playing. You guys are the ones making this a great experience for everyone involved.

Also, Zen and I plan on casting some matches which we will stream to you guys (most likely on Twitch) and Aid will also hopefully be able to cover some matches.

Once the round robin has been completed, everyone can fill out a bracket with their playoff predictions. The winner of the pick's will receive the custom user title '1v1 pick'em winner'.

Best of luck and remember to have fun out there!
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Hoping to have the map on server this weekend (hopefully tomorrow afternoon if everything works out) so you guys can start playing. Playoffs will hopefully start in two weeks so try to get your games done by then. Thanks for posting this, crim.
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I think at this point replacing Aid with Legend is the better choice. Unless Aid posts on this thread in the next 12 hours? To show he is committed and regularly checking the thread.
What’s the progress on this tournament?

There hasn't been any progress in the last 4 days. At this rate maybe it's best if we end the seeding process and give the seeds based on where they stand now. Also we need to replace Crazed seeing that he left Pawn.
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It's cancelled fellas, we didn't have the heart to finish it out without hateandfriends.
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