Tournament Guidelines

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January 1, 2019
East Coast
Pawn Credits
Hosting your own Tournament? Here are some recommended guidelines to follow

1: Make sure to keep your tournament updated whether it is Open, On going, or Closed, using a prefix

2: The thread title should be the name of the tournament.

3: Before the tournament title you must include whether the tournament is for [PT] Pawn Tactics, [PG] Pawn Game, [PT/PG] both Pawn Tactics and Pawn Game, or [OTHER] for a tournament that is not related to Pawn.
Example: [PT]Medic Clash!

4: Within the tournament thread you must be clear in the type of tournament you are hosting, rules, prizes (if there are no prizes you must say so), and plans in case users are late or do not show up for their tournament match.

5: It is the job of the tournament creator to make sure that the tournament proceeds smoothly and make sure that the tournament progresses and continues till there is a clear and definite winner.

These guidelines are subject to change at any time
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    The season will begin on September 10, 2020.

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