Alright I have some good ideas for the video:
I wanted to start the video by presenting all the classes. This will be done by each of us playing a different class, walking straight downward in a horizontal line with the fastest classes in the middle, and having the slowest classes trekking down on the sides. We will all be shooting downward while walking.
The video will then cut to a 5 second preview video of the basic classes we love the most with an intro picture of the class (Recon joins the battle, Assault joins the battle... kinda like Super Smash bros character previews) that briefly showcases each class's abilities.
Then I am ending the video with a flag fight where two opposing team members with smoke charge towards each other in the middle of the map, and right before they meet, the music and the video cuts right to the Pawn Tactics logo)
I have a few other ideas, just need some willing participants and I'll record/edit.
It's a good big project for Spring Break that'll teach me some video skills, and how to market games specifically on social media. If anyone is interested, please let me know and your name will be viewed by thousands of Facebook/Instagram users as you'll be in the video.
Yes, I'm using my own money, but I don't care because the lessons it'll teach me are more important than anything, and it'll resurrect a beloved childhood game of mine.
One of PT's most important marketing flexes is that it's completely devoid of in-app purchases and freemium content. I think the target demographic of gamers from low-income families will really appreciate that.