Welcome to the New Pawn Community Site!


Staff Team
December 27, 2018
Pawn Credits
Hey everyone!

Welcome to the new site and forum for Pawn and Pawn Tactics! We hope to make this our forever home and provide you with new updates and features to both games as well as the forums. PawnGame.com is never going away anymore. <3

Please take a look at the Forum Rules List Here.

As you can see, currently we are allowing a maximum of 2 accounts per user.

Pawn and Pawn Tactics also have had their rules updated.

You can find the new Pawn Rules Here & the Pawn Tactics Rules Here.

You can find game controls on each respective game page. Also, if you have any questions, please visit the Help forum and we'll answer any questions you may have.

Here's to our family, a dedicated website for Pawn.

With great pleasure,

- Pawn Community Staff
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It's on!

I'm just thinking about the journey. Everything we've been through just to get to this point. It's truly amazing to see the amount of loyalty from all of us and the commitment to still be here despite all the odds stacked against us. I'm just so thrilled to see us back to PawnGame.com once again. Everything looks the same and to see everyone joining the new site yesterday really brought back some great memories. Much thanks to the Pawn Staff for doing a phenomenal job with the site and giving us something we all truly deserve, OUR home. To see us back on here once again after all these years...it's just truly amazing!

This is a game we've all been apart of for quite some time and many of us have grown as individuals and as leaders of this community. I'm really excited to see the future members of this game and for us to welcome them all to our family. To lead by example and help them grow within the community along with making them feel at home. It's also nice to see people posting on the forums along with applying for usergroups as well. Everyone is ready to make the most out of their fresh start and it's great to not only watch myself grow on this site, but to watch you guys grow as well.

I also want to give special thanks to Blank101 and JPillz for 3 things:

1.) Creating Sandboxd - Creating Sandboxd brought the community back together and on top of that you brought Pawn Tactics along with Pawn Game back as well. Without you guys none of this would've been possible. You guys are the creators of the games and brought all of us here today.

2.) Falling Back - The fact that you guys took a step back and allowed Crim & Alex run the show really goes to show the type of people you guys are. The maturity and the professionalism of that decision really goes over the top. You guys put in a lot of work creating Pawn Tactics and to allow someone else (Alex) to take over the creation of Pawn Tactics really was extremely gracious of you both.

3.) PawnGame.com - To see you guys support the move to PawnGame.com is truly a blessing. None of us will forget your contributions to this game and this community. This post is to show my appreciation on the community's behalf for all your efforts over the years and for helping us get to where we are today. Thank you!

Wishing everyone nothing but happiness on this fresh start and I hope everyone makes the most of it. Welcome to our new home everyone! :)
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It's really incredible that we've come full circle, back to where it all began. From the original Pawn, to Pawn Studios, back to Pawn, then Sandboxd, and now to where it all began (less vBulletin).

I've had many great memories from '06 Pawn to '08 PT to the couple of years I stayed at Sandboxd before I took a very long break from the 2 games, just checking back from time to time. I remember sending very lengthy pleas to Blank about bringing Pawn back, bringing back this site, and here we are.

Although life has caught up, I sure hope to stay active here and see this place become what it once was, or even better. And hopefully allow new players to have the same kind of fun we all did back in the heyday.
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