Communication Update


Staff Team
December 27, 2018
Pawn Credits
Hey everyone,

Been quite a while since I posted anything here. So I'll take this opportunity to communicate what has been happening behind the scenes.

Time to face some reality. The progress of this project is going incredibly slow, and most people know this. It's been 5 years since I started contributing to our community.
The last time I contributed significantly was on migrating Pawn from AS2 to AS3 from January - February 2021 (this is the version Feature Testers have access to).
Some personal life things have prevented me from working on any project continuously. Despite the slow progress, Pawn is not something that will be abandoned by me.
I won't let down everyone's deep interest in enjoying our games. It does personally hurt me how long this has dragged on.


We've got a new staff member on our team. Bready is working with everyone, myself included to keep the community active and involved. The first item on Bready's agenda is usergroups.
If you are part of a usergroup please visit the following thread to learn about what is now required for usergroup members.

A few months ago the direct game links on were replaced with notices stating the games are down for updates. They aren't literally offline and can be accessed by means described below. Since there has been little intention on my part to push activity before game updates have been published, that notice was put in place. It avoids returning members from visiting the games and not finding anyone to play with or having difficulty accessing the games now that Flash Player has been discontinued. Bready may organize something sooner to get some game activity rolling again.

If you do insist on playing some rounds now with a group of friends or revisiting the games for nostalgia you can:
- Become a Pawn Beta tester and download Pawn here
- Download Pawn Tactics here
OR follow the instructions @Sinister so kindly contributed on how to get an older version of Flash Player working on your computer and access Pawn here, and Pawn Tactics here.
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