How is "All Lives Matter" racist?

Native Americans are the group most frequently killed by police, but people want to focus on African Americans - not Native Americans, African Americans and Latinos. It's racist

i did some research, u white supremacist bab, u tink u can post litl graph 2 prov a point? gigl
Miss me with that bullshit I'm half-european half-american
You're just ignorant


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I'm deleting that because I don't want people to see my nerdy school project.

Anyway man, my ancestors have lived here for more than 10,000 years. Europeans immigrated on this land and killed millions. African Americans are a marginalized group, but they're just one. Discrimination from the police and government extends to many individuals. All lives matter, yet many people are condemning the idea that all lives matter and are merely focusing on African Americans. But the suffering is not limited to African Americans
the reason why saying "all lives matter" is viewed negatively is because it is used as a political slogan to devalue the BLM movement. the idea of the "all lives matter" slogan is to paint BLM into a corner that makes it seem like a movement that is somehow extreme or violent in some cases. yes, all lives matter, thats obvious. saying it in the context of BLM is diminishing the experience of those that have faced police profiling or brutality because of the neighborhood they live in and/or the color of their skin. at BLM protests, you have people of every racial background there in support because they understand that its about justice for those that have had those experiences. its not about diminishing the plights of others, just to bring attention the fact that the african american community has faced these problems forever
In my opinion I think the media is trying to create division. They clearly have an agenda, however I'm not going to go down that rabbit hole. As far as police brutality, yeah its definitely a problem. It's pretty sick in my opinion. But I personally feel like its more of a power trip dirt bag cop issue than it is a race issue. And I'm not generalizing all law enforcement, I do think the dirt bag cops are in the minority. But for the millions of great officers out there you have thousands of bad officers and its clearly getting out of hand. A lot of these cops get on such a power trip and if someone dares not to bow down and quiver at their every word/command, they get the wrath of an angry POS and no citizens can intervene because these guys are the "law" even when they are breaking it. If you don't buy into the media having an agenda though, let me ask you if you've ever heard of Ariel Roman? No you haven't, he never made national news despite multiple videos showing him being shot in the back for trying to run away from a cop. Watch the video and be honest with yourself and try to figure out why his story didn't make national news and why the nation isn't demanding the cop that shot him in the back be arrested. His story doesn't fit the narrative that's why. Kinda reminds me of the cop that shot Walter Scott but at least that dude is in prison for 20 years. These cops are probably going to get away without ever stepping foot in a jail cell.

I bet that dude was wishing he didn't forget his white privilege at home that morning..

But yeah I don't blame the black community for feeling like they are the only victims of police brutality, it's all the media will show them.
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In my opinion I think the media is trying to create division. They clearly have an agenda, however I'm not going to go down that rabbit hole. As far as police brutality, yeah its definitely a problem. It's pretty sick in my opinion. But I personally feel like its more of a power trip dirt bag cop issue than it is a race issue. And I'm not generalizing all law enforcement, I do think the dirt bag cops are in the minority. But for the millions of great officers out there you have thousands of bad officers and its clearly getting out of hand. A lot of these cops get on such a power trip and if someone dares not to bow down and quiver at their every word/command, they get the wrath of an angry POS and no citizens can intervene because these guys are the "law" even when they are breaking it. If you don't buy into the media having an agenda though, let me ask you if you've ever heard of Ariel Roman? No you haven't, he never made national news despite multiple videos showing him being shot in the back for trying to run away from a cop. Watch the video and be honest with yourself and try to figure out why his story didn't make national news and why the nation isn't demanding the cop that shot him in the back be arrested. His story doesn't fit the narrative that's why. Kinda reminds me of the cop that shot Walter Scott but at least that dude is in prison for 20 years. These cops are probably going to get away without ever stepping foot in a jail cell.

I bet that dude was wishing he didn't forget his white privilege at home that morning..

But yeah I don't blame the black community for feeling like they are the only victims of police brutality, it's all the media will show them.

and this is also something to talk about, but once again there is no "feeling like they are the only victims of police brutality". there is a disproportionate amount of police brutality and harassment to minority groups, and this is supported by multiple FBI investigations into police departments over the course of the last few decades. no one is denying it happens to whites, but it's a fact there is a disproportionate amount inflicted on minorities, especially african americans.
True, that was an unintentional blanket statement. Not everyone believes police brutality is a problem that doesn't effect white people, but you would be surprised at how many people seem to think that. I see a lot of social media posts going around that will speak in absolutes, which in essence is denying it's existence. For example I'll see something shared along the lines of "White people will never understand the struggle, they never have to fear for their life when confronted by the police, or fear for their kids life when they are walking home from 7-11". Even if a problem disproportionately effects some groups of people more than others, it is insensitive and potentially divisive to speak in absolutes as if it doesn't effect certain people. To tell people like Ariel Roman that they will never understand the fear of police brutality because he has the privilege of being white is out of touch with reality. The man was zero threat, stumbling forward blinded, and he was shot. Probably fearing for his life at that point he makes a run for it and is shot again in the back.

And part of the issue is that the media seemingly wants to sweep under the rug stories like his. Maybe if people saw these stories they would unite against the huge underlying issue of police brutality. Instead they are bickering and fighting over race because all they see on the news is another black man being the victim of brutality. Which we need to bring awareness to because you're right, I'm sure it does disproportionately effect black males. But meanwhile you've got cases where justice will never be served because frankly no one will ever really know about them. There will be no outcry for an arrest and the guilty cops will get a slap on the wrist or fired at worst.
I will start and stay i completely support the BLM movement. The idea that blacks and whites live equally is completely untrue. As a white man, i do not fear simple things like going for a walk, or driving. Black people have this fear because the probabilitly they are harassed or viewed with a higher level of suspicion is exponentially higher. We have already seen social experiments of whites and blacks doing the same thing in public to completely different responses. For example, a white man walked around open carrying his firearm, and they called the police. The police casually pulled up, checked to make sure he was not dangerous, and left. When the black man did the same exact thing, in the same exact place, LEO's came guns drawn and arrested him before asking a single question. If that is not race bias, im not sure what is. Even when im out, im not immune to this. Ill admit sometimes i take mentally take note of black people than white people. But once engaged, I do everything in my power to treat men of all color with the same level of respect, until proven otherwise. This is not a debatable point. Its a fact, and sad that in 2020 people of color still have to fear the most simplest things in life.

What i dont like is the notion that Police "brutality" is the reason for BLM. Even though black men are 2.5x more likely than white men to be killed by a LEO, the numbers are nothing when you compare the number of blacks killed by other blacks. Black people account for about 12% of the US population, but in 2018 1500 more black men were murdered than white men. The police accounted for barely a fraction of those deaths. Black people absolutely have an enemy gunning them down, but its not the police. It's themselves. If the BLM movement wants to truly embrace the motto that all black lives matter, its cannot just be for those unjustly killed like Mr. Floyd, it has to be for all black people. Otherwise, its nothing but a hollow war cry on those who give their lives daily to protect them.

When people call out the peaceful protesters and blame them for the rioting and looting, the protesters are quick to remark that judgement should not be make on the group as a whole because of a few bad eggs. The exact same can be said about police officers. There are absolutely bad eggs, but the majority are your just your brothers and sisters who have pledged to protect and serve their communities. The people who hate bad cops the most, are good cops. Keep that in mind.

sho me vid of cop putting knee on white man head, ttenks

Here ya go...

Its called poor training. Has nothing to do with black or white. Most of the time suspects are cuffed in a standing position, without resistance. In the few cases that the suspects resist and force is necessary, a lot can go wrong. In the case of Mr Floyd, the asshat was on his neck for 8 minutes after he was handcuffed. Zero reason. He should have been cuffed and stood up immediately and placed in a cruiser or on the sidewalk. Even if he had to put the knee on his neck for a few seconds to subdue him (still wrong), he should have immediately stood up after the suspect was in cuffs. Putting the knee into the neck or upper body can cause a lot of damage. From broken neck, to separated shoulders. Sometimes though suspects are bigger and stronger, or on something that makes them difficult to control. In the heat of the moment, knee to neck can happen. But again, not for 8 minutes like the asshat did. What he did was straight murder, and he needs to burn in hell.
whats qanon?

in a nutshell, a grand conspiracy theory that the deep state in coordination with the jews and liberal elite are brainwashing the public, and the new age far right movement is a god-sent miracle with donald trump at the helm to dismantle the deep state
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