This pretty good, I like it.
I like the first version over the second. My screenshot is the second and there are some things I didn’t mark for you but hopefully you catch it and edit the first version with my feedback if you’d like.
The green lines on the side, I’d delete that block so there was a drop there.
The orange block, maybe you could open that up. The top orange lines, I would definitely open that up.
The yellow at the bottom, I’d move both ladders outward 1 from each other, making that center piece 4 long and not 2 long.
Since I am talking about the first version, you can move the entire top platform (even the refill box and it’s platform) up by one, making that platform with the would-be drops on the side, more roomy. And this would be for both sides of course.
This pretty good, I like it.
I like the first version over the second. My screenshot is the second and there are some things I didn’t mark for you but hopefully you catch it and edit the first version with my feedback if you’d like.
The green lines on the side, I’d delete that block so there was a drop there.
The orange block, maybe you could open that up. The top orange lines, I would definitely open that up.
The yellow at the bottom, I’d move both ladders outward 1 from each other, making that center piece 4 long and not 2 long.
Since I am talking about the first version, you can move the entire top platform (even the refill box and it’s platform) up by one, making that platform with the would-be drops on the side, more roomy. And this would be for both sides of course.
Dream,you don’t get it do you I arranged it like that cause the design makes it more fun