Without doing any research I’m pretty sure in many states she would be able to charge him/her with manslaugter. But you don’t find that fair for the doctor in your opinion?
If I'm being honest, I think abortion is innately wrong. However, I think that humanity overall is overpopulated and constantly damaging the Earth. Given that humans are destroying all Earthly beings, as well as the atmosphere surrounding Earth, it's a tricky situation. I want the luxury of having the option of myself and others to abort a baby. American and other first-world country lives are centered around careers and money, and a baby can greatly hinder one's life. Abortion is simply and easy, and sex is therapy and joyful to a busy and stressed modern life. Thus, I am not convinced by the argument "don't have sex if you don't want kids"
Sure, but I am not arguing against this. I support abortion, and I also support the exploitation of animals. Humans and human's ancestors have eaten animals for a long time. Given that I'm a human I think I ought to eat animals. However, Dx doesn't support the unnecessary murder of life, so murdering animals to gain muscle mass is a form of pleasure, not necessity. Dx clarified that he thinks humans are above animals, but I don't necessarily agree with that. I think that I am a human, therefore I ought to be only concerned with my own interests. In many respects the fortune circumstance where I exist as a man is great, but it doesn't make me any better than poison ivy or mosquitoes. From a bird's eye view I think I'm equal to these less active organisms, but of course I will naturally exterminate these beings which are detrimental to my existence.
When it comes to abortion im pro states rights. We are a country of over 300 million people(USA), it is illogical to think we can all agree on every issue. If everyone in Alabama is anti-abortion, New York shouldn't tell them how to live and vice-versa. The federal government should stay out of it and allow the states to decide on this issue.
Me personally im pro-choice. Morally I think it's abhorrent and tragic, but I am also a libertarian and believe the government shouldn't tell you what to do in that regard, so if you want an abortion go for it. It wouldn't bother me if you did, but it's not the choice I would make (if I were a lady).